Jiulong Staff Interview丨Best Employee in 2021


- Best Employee in the year of 2021-

Personal profile:

Name: Zhang Song
Position: Gold Purchasing
Joined: 2015-12-01
Planning: Change a villa after 10 years
Dream: Climb Mount Everest
Hobbies: Traveling and watching movies

Hello Zhang Song, first of all, congratulations to you for being the best employee of the year of 21 years. I am glad that you can take the time to chat with me between work. Can you briefly introduce yourself here and let us know more about you?

1. I heard that you like to travel. What city do you most want to go to now?
Because of the impact of the epidemic in the past two years, I didn't have time to travel, so now I want to travel to Tibet, take a look at the great rivers and mountains of our motherland, and experience different cultural customs and natural landscapes.

2. What kind of movies do you usually like to watch?
I prefer nonsensical movies like Journey to the West, because I am usually busy with purchasing work, so I will feel very relaxed after watching it.

As an Senior buyer of the company, do you have any work experience to share with newcomers?

1. As a procurement, you must first be familiar with the company's existing products, including not only the structure and process of the product, but also which suppliers can provide production, and you can choose the appropriate supplier quotation when developing similar products.
2. Looking for new products and suppliers, not only limited to Alibaba, made in china and other websites, but also through search engines such as Baidu (product + factory words) to search for factories, FOB forums, etc.
3. The timeliness of quotations is very important, but when shopping around, the price advantage is more important, especially when there is a lack of orders in the industry market, the price advantage is more important.
4. Understand the fluctuation of materials in the market, you can better know the price of the product, so as to avoid the factory price inflated.
5. Now that you have joined Jiulong Company, we should believe that this platform can achieve their own achievements.

What do you think should be done to become an advanced employee of the company?

First of all, we must abide by the company's rules and regulations, play an active and leading role in the team, and make the entire team work together to achieve the same goal. Secondly, it is necessary to focus on the company's interests, develop more new suppliers and new products, reduce the company's cost, communicate with the factory to ship more goods, and help the company to win customer orders.
In addition, we must maintain efficient work at work, have a clear mind, and distinguish between priority and secondary; I think that no matter what kind of work it is, it is impossible to be smooth sailing. If you encounter setbacks at work, you must grasp your mentality. Of course, the best state is to advance in advance. Anticipate the occurrence of these problems, so you must be forward-looking and plan ahead.
To give a simple example, it is impossible for us to develop new factories and new products overnight, so we should pay more attention to which factories may become the target factories in the future and which products can become new products for recommendation. Accumulated, and second to prepare for emergencies.

What kind of team do you think the purchasing department is? Do you have anything to say to your teammates?

I think our purchasing department is very good, united, friendly, and has a good working atmosphere. Although the work pressure is high, it is difficult to overcome. Develop new suppliers, increase shipping channels, reduce costs, and connect various departments. In the days to come, we should continue to unite and love, develop more new products and new factories, create high value for the company, and work hard with everyone to get the best team.

"future plan"

What are your future plans for yourself and your expectations for the company?

In the future, I hope that I can grow together with the company. The current result is not the end, but is another starting point. We hope that Jiulong can develop into a group company, and we can independently develop branch companies in the future. Jiulong is a high-quality platform and has excellent friends. We will usher in a new high. In the next few years, we will exceed 100 million US dollars in sales and become the NO.1 in the industry.

"Department Manager's Message"

The manager wanted to say to him:

Zhang Song treats his work conscientiously, actively developing, conscientious and responsible, and has a strong sense of responsibility. He has always influenced other employees with positive energy in the department. When someone needs help, he always stands up for the first time, especially in the company. When something comes up, he will always take the initiative to take the initiative, establishing a good image for the employees of the department and taking the lead.